Saturday, August 19, 2017

The Gift of the Orchards. . .

Claire de Lune - by Debussy
(Please click for background music as you read this message of H.I.M.)

As we drive along the country roads in our surrounding area, my husband and I are amazed at the abundance of fruit, whether they are grapes, nectarines, peaches, pears, or apples, which are draping from the beautiful orchards and vineyards. The harvest is over-flowing among these lovely orchards for miles and miles. So much so that we will often see fruit lying on the ground, while the birds feast on their bountiful orchard finds. It fascinates me seeing this simple abundance. Hence, the farmers must, indeed, be happy to be able to reap what they have sowed after all their hard labour of love by taking such good care of their orchards to provide such an abundant harvest.  

It never ceases to amaze me, however, how some crops seem to thrive more than ever during a drier summer with only the occasional summer shower putting that much more stress on them to grow. Meanwhile, other crops flourish better during a more rainy summer season. Nevertheless,for both orchard scenarios to yield a good harvest, they must both have balance and harmony of nourishment and good maintenance for their growth to survive, thrive and be bountiful.

So, too, must our lives also have balance and harmony, if we want to flourish and yield
much fruit of contentment, grace, peace, gratitude and happiness into our lives. Yet, so many of us today seem to be lost in the maze of a corn field not knowing what our purpose in life is or what true happiness really means. Is it the new job, new house, new clothes, the long awaited Transatlantic trip, or the new love with whom we think we want to share the rest of our life with? Sadly, many people often think happiness is a long overdue award-winning possession rather than what it truly is, which is one’s “healthy” state of mind.

Do you fear and feel your life is frazzled, isolated, over-whelming or unraveling for one reason or another?  Do you feel you are missing something in life but not sure what it is or why you feel this way? Take heart, for, sadly, you are not alone. With everything life seems to be able to offer in the world of convenience, technology, social media and accessibility more and more people are more dissatisfied and unhappy with their lives today than ever before. It may be due to the fact that one’s life journey is not living up to their own expectations, others’ expectations of them, or just simply disenchanted with life, in general, because it seems to have somehow short-changed them along the way. It may be due to job dissatisfaction, no job at all, a broken relationship, no relationship, a lost relationship, general demands of family life, a crisis in one’s health, or some other unexpected detour in life. Whatever the reason, many people, today, seem to be either sad, mad or depressed seeing only cynicism, pessimism, and skepticism.    

So what is the answer to happiness? From a very profound physical, philosophical, and spiritual reflective journey, I can tell you that after only looking in the mirror and asking myself, “Who am I meant to be? What is my true purpose in life? What do I need to change in my life so I am more content and happier?” the answers are there. However, be prepared for a bumpy ride, which is like riding on an uncomfortable tractor down a rutted pathway through the orchards! Nevertheless, after much soul-searching and meditation on God’s Word, I found my answers by re-discovering and re-defining my true aspirations, inspirations and motivations for a well-balanced, happy, fulfilling, contented life. It is simply by helping, inspiring and encouraging others. It is not thinking of "me" but "we". It is having an attitude of immeasurable gratitude. While weeding out the world’s external expectations and desires, as well as turning my obstacles into opportunities, and not focusing on the lack but rather the abundance in my life, I am enriched with the bountiful orchards of blessings, which I harvest every day in my life to its fullest. 

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, who defined the five stages of grief, once said, “It’s only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth – and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up – that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had.” Hence, I encourage you to realize there is no time like the present to make changes, if necessary, to find your calling in life giving you more blessed fruit than you could ever have imagined. Remember, we are not promised tomorrow; only today. Do not set your concerns on the “quantity” of time you have on this earth, but rather the “quality” it has to offer.