(Please click for background music as you read this message of H.I.M.)
Everyone knows there are 24 hours in a day, which works out to exactly 8,760 hours in a year. If there is one very important life lesson I have learned these past four months, is that each one of us has the exact amount of time each day; that will never change, BUT if I worry about tomorrow’s troubles, it will only drain me of my strength for today.
Yet, somewhere in time, there will come a time when you may take the time to ask, “Where has time gone?” There are times when time cannot go fast enough, while other times when time cannot go slow enough. I know I most certainly have lived both times. Have you?
In Ecclesiastes 3, we read, “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven...a time to laugh, a time to cry, a time to be a born and a time to die....” Time is the most precious commodity in our life, but there are times when we think we never seem to have enough time to do the things we want. However, how often do we seem to waste time, pass time, or lose time? And then somewhere in time, it feels like time has stopped! A life changing event perhaps has happened. That time for me was on April 16th at 1:00 p.m. – the day I was diagnosed with breast cancer. When it felt like time stood still. When I wished the hands of time went back. When on that very day, at that very hour in those very seconds my life changed forever. At that instant, like no other time before, is when things that I once thought seemed so important, the plans I had made, the places where I might go, or the things I might do all seemed to vanish in that moment of time! When everything that once seemed to matter now become a major shift in time.
A few months ago I read a novel, by one of my favourite authors ~ Mitch Albom, who wrote a book, entitled, “The Time Keeper.” It is a book about Father Time and the meaning of time. In this novel, Mr. Albom challenges us to “try to imagine a life without timekeeping. . .man alone measures time. . .And because of this, man alone suffers a paralyzing fear that no other creature endures. A fear of time running out.” Why one might ask? Perhaps, it is because we all know our time on earth is limited. In fact, Mr. Albom also writes in his novel, “There is a reason why God limits our days. Why? To make each one precious.”
Life truly is precious. Therefore, why not simply take the time, instead of spending time, counting time, or filling time with things that really are not that all important and instead make the time as well as enjoy the time each day brings with those we hold near and dear to our hearts. If only we could turn back time. What would we do differently? Time always moves forward, never backwards.
So, what have I learned? Here are a few of my life’s lessons about time:
1. To just be and just listen.
2. Savour each moment, and to be still in the moment.
3. Stop and smell the roses – I really do.
4. Enjoy the sunrise and the sunsets more often.
5. Live, love and laugh more – this is not a cliché.
6. To know that silence is beauty. Take the time to appreciate it.
7. Enjoy the small things in life for one can never get back time.
8. Life is precious – handle with prayer.
9. Knowing we are all a special piece of God’s miraculous puzzle of life. Spend your time wisely.
10.Time is a gift, that is why it is called the “present”.
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“Yesterday is
gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today.
Let us begin. ~ Mother
Theresa ~