Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The English Planter. . .

When Answers Aren't Enough ~ Arrangement by Scott Wesley Brown
(Please click for background music as you read this message of H.I.M.)

Over the past few weeks, my husband and I have toured our share of garden centres as we searched for just the right flower baskets for our property.  One of our favourite garden centres is located in a quaint country village that has always impressed us with their variety of flower arrangements. In fact, it is almost overwhelming which one to choose, as they are all so beautiful. Nevertheless, I wanted to go with an English garden theme this year but could not find just the right basket until I met a lady whose cart was overflowing with breath-taking arrangements of petunias, geraniums, verbena, bacopa, million bells, ivy and so much more.  “Oh, I said, that is what I have been looking for; where did you find them?”  This lady kindly directed me to one of the many greenhouses and said, “Just look up and you will find one.”  I sincerely thanked her and sure enough as we entered this one particular greenhouse we did, indeed, find the perfect arrangement which is now displayed in our backyard! Little did this dear soul know, however, how poignant I found her statement to be for more reasons than one.   

So often we travel through life searching and trying to find answers to life’s challenges, struggles and sufferings. We may ask others for their advice, we may read self-help books, we may wander from this source to that in hopes of finding the answers, but at the end of the day when all else has failed I have found, from personal experience, that my only true source for answers to all of life’s trials is from our heavenly Father. One of my favourite scripture verses reminds me, “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God” (Philippians 4:6). There is not a day goes by but what I don’t thank the Good Lord for a new morning in which I have been blessed bountifully with the wealth of good health these days!  

How thankful I am that God has never once left my side during the most troubling time of my life.  How many times have I read over and over these many months and savoured, “Tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope” (Romans 5:3-5). Through the countless prayers and support by our loving families and dear friends, my dear husband and I have been given the strength (and hope) to persevere and endure this past year with my health scare. It truly brings tears of joy to the depths of my heart and very soul when I reflect on where we were a year ago at this time, uncertain of my prognosis; yet, today I can count my many blessings that I am well.  From my sufferings have come forth countless blessings that I will always be eternally grateful for as it has given me more passion for life and more compassion for others.   

If I have learned anything this past year, while convalescing at home, it is my purpose and meaning in life! Regardless of the mountains of desperation in life we may be facing, God always wants us to look up to Him and put our trust and hope in Him for He is always there.  In so doing, as He is the vine and we are the branches (John 15:5), we, too, can give compassion and hope to others.  

The following is a beautiful song, "When Answers Aren't Enough" written a few years ago by gospel songwriter, Scott Wesley Brown.  It has meant a lot to me over the years, but now more so than ever before:

You have faced the mountains of desperation
You have climbed, you have fought, you have won
But this valley that lies coldly before you
Casts a shadow you cannot overcome

And just when you thought you had it all together
You knew every verse to get you through
But this time the sorrow broke more than just your heart
And reciting all those verses just won't do

When answers aren't enough, there is Jesus
He is more than just an answer to your prayer
And your heart will find a safe and peaceful refuge
When answers aren't enough, He is there

Instead of asking why did it happen
Think of where it can lead you from here
And as your pain is slowly easing, you can find a greater reason
To live your life triumphant through the tears.

"Be like a flower, turn your face to the Son."
~ Anonymous ~


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Flower Power. . .

A Wave of Wildflowers  ~ Arrangement by Dan Gibson (Solitudes)
(Please click for background music as you read this message of H.I.M.)

As I stroll through our lush backyard observing the newly designed emerald green and burgundy leaves cascading from our big maple trees, I am delighted to be serenaded by the sounds of the morning doves, cardinals, robins, and sparrows, as they cheerfully sing their songs of joy of spring’s return.  While I quietly walk my tour around our flower beds, I am in awe as I watch spring evolve in our backyard with its refreshing majesty and breath-taking colours amongst the perennials of crocus, daffodils, hyacinths, tulips, lily of the valley, rock cress, sweet woodruff, and let me not forget the “forget-me-knots”.  It never ceases to fascinate me how the healing power of flowers can affect our overall well-being without a single word being spoken.  Whether we inhale their unique individual fragrance, carefully observe their eye-catching colour or watch the grandeur of their beauty, it is not only inspiring and refreshing, but it is amazing how a simple, yet stunning, flower unassumingly lifts one’s spirits into a gentler, peaceful and calmer state of mind.  What an encouragement for each of us!

In fact, I could not help but think of the verse, “Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin” (Matthew 6:28).  Not only do the flowers have the power to display their natural beauty, but they also release a sense of ~ calmness, compassion, tranquility, peacefulness, contentment, and optimism that translates into both inner joy and inner balance. Is that not what each of us strive for in our own lives? Oh, the lessons we can learn from the power of a flower. 

As the flowers embrace the sun’s warmth and its positive effects of light for inner growth, we, too, must learn the importance to focus on all that is good and positive in our lives, even when difficult and dark days may come into our lives.  For if we learn to cherish the warmth and light of optimism and hope that is within each of us, we can also be a source of encouragement and display the beauty of compassion toward others.   

Another lesson to be remembered is that regardless how long their finite lives may be, flowers still continue to grow to their full potential and thrive in the moment of their glory, despite the adversities they may endure. Similarly, although we, too, will eventually experience the brevity of life that should not cause us to withhold the pursuits of passion, potential, purpose, and promise for our lives as we live each day. For I have learned, if one chooses to plant flowers of encouragement, hope and inspiration in the garden of life of others, one’s life will only become a beautiful bouquet!

“All the flowers of all the tomorrows
are in the seeds of today.”
~ Indian Proverb ~