Monday, June 26, 2017

The Gift of Water. . .

As The Deer - Arrangement by Katherine Ganzon
(Please click for background music as you read this message of H.I.M.)

I was so glad being back home, upon returning from my monthly oncology visit, which is now a 4-hour round trip! Both my husband and I were exhausted, drained, and downright beat. I was ready to call it a day after having had, thankfully, an encouraging report and advice from my oncologist to “carry on” with my new target medication status quo.  Thus far, all signs are indicating it appears to be improving my clinical symptoms, which I am so very grateful for.  

However, as I began looking around our property, it became quite evident my day was far from over as many of our flowered pots were in dire distress; especially one particular pot of million bells (mini petunias). The flowers, petals and leaves were so withered-looking. I thought for sure, this pot was “kaput”!  It amazed me how a flower pot could look so beautiful, bright, cheery, and healthy-looking in the early morning, yet by end of day be so sad, wilted, drained, parched and lifeless only a few hours later. It was obvious the sun’s intense heat, throughout the day, had penetrated the pots to the point of zapping all the water out of the flowers leaving them scorched and almost lifeless. 

Nevertheless, with watering can in hand, I gave them all a good douse of fresh, cool water
like they had thought they had never felt before, in the hopes of making them look refreshed, reinvigorated and re-energized once again; giving them what they may have thought must surely be a new lease on life.  Sure enough, within a couple of hours, and to my delight, there was a remarkable transformation. I was inspired to see these tiny, beautiful flowers and their leaves revived and almost “rejoicing” as they displayed their beauty, blooming and flourishing!  All I needed to do was give them their daily douse of water.

I could not help but think of this analogy in both our “physical” and “spiritual” lives as well; reflecting on the importance of the “Gift of Water”, which we all, sadly, often take for granted. Yet, the “Gift of Water” is what we all desperately need daily in our lives, in order to stay happy, healthy, and blooming! 

Are you aware that 75% of our body consists of water, which helps to regulate the flow of body fluids, including our tissues, cells, blood and many other fluid secretions, throughout our body on a daily basis?  We are so fortunate to live in this part of the world, especially those of us who live near the Great Lakes, to be abundantly blessed with over-flowing and easily accessible amounts of water at our finger tips. The “Gift of Water” is tremendously vital in our lives, as well as the earth’s, for that matter. If a person, for example, lacks as little as about 9 cups of water in one’s body that individual could possibly suffer from various physical symptoms such as dehydration, irritability, fatigue,dizziness, headaches and possibly even death. However, it is very important to also remember that too much water can be extremely detrimental, too; like most things in life, there needs to be a happy and healthy “balance.”  

The scenario with the pot of million bells also made me think about how much I need to receive God’s gift of His "Living Water" daily in my life, too.  Without it, I know I would, similarly, suffer from "spiritual" lethargy, dehydration, listlessness and despondency. When reading Psalm 42:1, I can so relate to the following Scripture, “As the deer panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God.” 

Never has there been a time in my life that I can think of in which I need, desire, long for, “run towards” the replenishment, the rejuvenation, and the spiritual refreshment of God's daily "Living Water" more than now. I know I could not survive without it. The daily heat of life's challenges, anxieties, disappointments, fears, stresses, uncertainties, and
worries can be so sweltering, leaving one completely drained, parched and almost lifeless; leaving the soul completely void. However, as I "daily” study and meditate God’s Word, I also know I can come to a “living” stream that never runs dry.  I am comforted when reading John 4:14 when Jesus says, “Whoever drinks of the water I give him shall never thirst again, but the water that I shall give to him shall be in him a well of living water springing up into everlasting life.” In other words, God’s stream of "Living Water" will never run dry; it is always there. However, it is up to me to come to His stream daily, in order to receive His free “Gift of Water”, which only He can provide.  

No matter how one chooses to look at it, the “Gift of Water” is a vital necessity both “physically” and “spiritually” for one’s well-being to be alive and survive; you cannot live without it! Even the desert, eventually, must receive water at some point for the desert flowers to bloom in the spring as they thrive to survive. 

Such a simple act on our part, yet the “physical” and “spiritual” health benefits of the “Gift of Water” are enormous in one’s life. And so, I ask, "Have you received your daily douse of the “Gift of Water” from HIM today?"  God has given us the free-will to make it our desire, so that when we receive His "Living Water" we, too, will feel like the million bells beautiful, blooming and flourishing!

The gift of living well
 is receiving
 God’s Living Water,
ever-flowing, endless and free.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

The Gift of Beauty, Butterflies & Bookmarks. . .

Above All - Classical Praise Piano & Cello
(Please click for background music as you read this message of H.I.M.)

I have always been interested in the origin of names; I find their meanings fascinating and often wonder how parents decide on the name of their newborn. Will their little girl be an “Emma” or “Olivia,” or will their little boy be “Nathaniel” or “Joshua”?  For example, the meaning of David means “beloved”, Megan means “pearl”, Cassandra means “unheeded prophetess” and Bonita, which is a Spanish name, means “pretty little one”. Although I am pretty sure I have no Spanish heritage, at least not that I am aware of, my maternal grandmother blessed me with this pretty name, her first granddaughter. I have always been grateful for this name and I hope I have lived up to its beautiful meaning not so much on the outside, but, more importantly, on the inside of my life.

Regardless of where life’s journey has taken each one of us, there is beauty surrounding 
us each and every day, if we choose to see it through the Eyes of the Beholder. In fact, the older I become, the more drawn I am to God’s beauty and I am especially delighted when I see the beauty of a butterfly. The beginning of its life is one of tremendous patience, perseverance and power, but its reward for waiting patiently is one of absolute beauty.  

The butterfly, in fact, has become my mentor, in many respects, as I pray for God’s will
in my life. Meanwhile, God never ceases to amaze me when He continually delivers a daily beautiful bouquet of blessings in my life through the generosity and kindness of others, who have expressed their love, support and prayers for me. There truly are no words to express my deepest gratitude, but from the bottom of this very humble heart, I am so appreciative of everyone's thoughtfulness. It would, therefore, be remiss of me if I did not pass this forward, which I have tried to do throughout my life. However, since living with cancer these past four years, I am determined more than ever to try to encourage others in any small way and opportunity that I can.  

I am, therefore, delighted to share with others my passion and desire to help raise awareness and funds for the London Health Sciences Foundation’s “Patient Assistance Program Program.” This program is available to “any adult, who is receiving treatment within the London Regional Cancer Program (LRCP) and/or its affiliated South Western Ontario regional partner sites and who is experiencing a financial burden as a result of their cancer and its treatment.” For more details about this program, I encourage you to please visit the following website link:

Meanwhile, as a past recipient of this Program, myself, I wholeheartedly support this vital program and want to help raise its awareness however possible. For anyone who is living with this disease, they, unfortunately, find out very quickly how expensive cancer treatment costs can be. From personal experience, I have found these costs to be astronomical. Sadly, for some, this becomes such a personal financial burden to them that they are unable to receive the recommended cancer treatments that could possibly help them stay alive.   

Thankfully, however, in order to help ease some of these treatment costs, both the “Massel-Cruickshank Breast Cancer Patient Assistance Fund” and the “Gene Goodreau Patient Assistance Fund” have been established at the London Health Sciences Foundation in support of patients at the LRCP. But they need our help to stay alive! These programs exist today because of the generosity of private donors, who wanted to make a difference and help someone else in their time of need.  I am, therefore, asking you, “Will you help me help them?”   
I now have available the following handmade "Beautiful Butterfly Bookmarks." I cannot tell you how excited I am to be able to do this. All proceeds will go towards the London Health Sciences Foundation’s Patient Assistance Program.  These pretty bookmarks can be given for so many occasions ~ birthdays, thinking of you, thank you, graduation, bridal/bridesmaids or hostess gifts ~ the occasions are endless. Each bookmark is designed in various colours for cancer.   Each bookmark costs: $10.00 (Canadian Currency) + shipping & handling. 

Variegated Blue – Colon and/or Prostate cancer
Multi-colours – All cancers
Pink – Breast Cancer
White – Peace, Perseverance and the Power of Prayer for healing in one’s life.

Custom orders in other colours for cancer may also be available upon request.
Please note: Colours may vary depending on availability of crochet cotton. 

"What counts in life is not the mere fact we have lived.
 It is the difference we have made
 in the lives of others that will determine
 the significance of the life we lead." 
~ Nelson Mandela ~