Monday, August 26, 2013

Letting Go. . .

Be Thou My Vision ~ Arrangement by David Baroni 
(Please click for background music as you read this message of H.I.M.)

Our dog, Jake, loves when I give him a fresh bone to chew on. He will lie in our backyard for hours chewing and gnawing away on his bone. He will proudly saunter around the backyard with his bone or bask in the sun making sure at least one of his paws is on his bone so he does not lose it.  So, when it comes time to come into the house he will optimistically assume that he can bring his best bone ever into the house with him. However, that is when I must say to him, “Let go, drop it” much to his resistance, but eventual relinquishment.

This little scenario reminds me how I too have had to learn to ‘let go’ and ‘let God’ care for me, guide me, provide for me, strengthen me, and fulfill me.  In other words, I have to truly trust God with every aspect of my life and let Him be my vision throughout my life.  Although God’s plans for us may not necessarily be revealed within our timeline, we can always find comfort by meditating on His promises and trusting that He will be our refuge.  

Letting go is not an easy task.  There are times when even though I have wanted to resist letting go I have had to relinquish myself to the fact that I really am not in control of what will or will not happen in my life. We have no control, for example, when a life changing event happens in our lives. It will completely catch us off guard and set us on a path we could have never anticipated.  That is how I felt, the day I had to walk away from my job. A position I have enjoyed very much, but when I became ill I had to let go and let others take over what I had been doing for the past 10 years. Letting go is not only hard, but it is humbling knowing you are no longer in control of what will or will not happen in your life. However, by accepting, believing, and trusting that God has a plan for my life not only builds but strengthens my relationship with Him. It allows me to see His vision, and not my vision, for my life. This is why I love Psalm 23:1-2 when I read, “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.  He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, and He restores my soul.” In other words, He knows what is best for me!

So often when we seek an answer from God it is on our timeline under our terms, but God does not work that way. Ultimately, it is when we trust and wait on Him rather than hitting the panic button every time some situation does not work the way we planned or hoped it would turn out that He may then reveal His plans for our life. I find comfort and assurance when reading, "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint" (Isaiah 40:31). In other words, He has a plan for my life!

It is only when I put my complete trust in God's hands and let go of my woes and cares, like releasing the tethers on a hot air balloon, can I experience the comfort, peace and hope that only God can provide.  It is only when 'letting go' of all my should've, could've or would'ves, as well as my disappointments, hurts, insecurities, fears, uncertainties, and worries will I then experience His direction and purpose for my life. How many times have I read throughout my life, “Trust in the Lord with ALL thine heart; lean not unto thy own understanding, but in ALL thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6).  It is only when I accept God’s plan for my life can I truly experience the joy of His faithfulness, in spite of my circumstances knowing that He is always there for me and will guide me along life’s journey. It is only when I completely trust God’s will for my life can my relationship with Him deepen knowing He truly cares and loves me for whom I am. In other words, He is always faithful!

Consequently, I have learned ~
By letting go and acknowledging God in my life – 
I will have love.
By letting go and letting God guide my life – 
I will have peace.
By letting go and trusting God with my life – 
I will have rest.
By letting go and leaning on God with my life – 
I will have contentment.
By letting go and letting God fulfill my life with His love, peace, rest, and contentment – 
I will have joy.

The following poem truly sums what I believe for my life:
“Lord, I am willing
To receive what You give.
To lack what You withhold.
To relinquish what You take,
To suffer what You inflict,
To be what you require.”
~ Anonymous ~

“The greatest step toward a life of 
simplicity is learning to let go.”
~ Steve Maraboli ~

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