Saturday, August 20, 2016

A Monarch's Message. . .

Draw Me Close To You
(Please click for background music as you read this message of H.I.M.)

A few days ago, we welcomed the Monarch butterflies, who arrived at our perennial gardens. This definitely is a sign the end of summer is not far away.  In just a matter of a few weeks, the Monarchs will be preparing for their migration route to a much warmer climate in Central Mexico during the winter months.  Did you know Monarchs can travel a distance of approximately 3,100 miles until they reach their destination in the mountains of Mexico?

A couple of months ago, my husband and I moved to Canada’s “most southern town” known as Kingsville, Ontario.  This area is also very well known for Pelee Island, which is in the southern-most tip of Canada. Since Pelee Island is the shortest crossing point over Lake Erie, it has been said that in a single day as many as a 1,000 butterflies can arrive at Pelee Island before they depart for their winter migration. It truly is a spectacular sight to witness. However, these awe-inspiring creatures must overcome many obstacles before reaching their far away destination. Unfortunately, many will perish due to unforeseen forces such as severe weather conditions, nature and, yes, even humans (i.e. collisions with vehicles), or simply perish from exhaustion.        

The maturity of a Monarch butterfly is just as fascinating as it struggles to emerge from its cocoon. Initially, it appears very fragile as it arduously works it way out of its cocoon.  For many hours, it will appear to be just clinging on to its cocoon for dear life, but what is actually happening during this time is fluid slowly being released from its body to fill its wings.  Once the wings are full of this fluid and firm, the Monarch can then expand its wings and freely fly away.

The struggles this tiny creature endures from its beginning reminded me a little bit of our human life. Sometimes we, too, find ourselves struggling with life’s obstacles trying to stay intact emotionally, physically, and, yes, even spiritually.  We wonder if we will ever have the strength to get through a difficult circumstance as we become exhausted in our attempts to overcome this obstacle. Yet, imagine if we did not have obstacles in our lives.  I do not think I would be the same person as I am today were it not for the struggles I have had to endure throughout my life and especial now as I live with Stage IV breast cancer. I know these struggles have taught me to persevere, which has resulted in making me a stronger person so I may not only gain courage and wisdom, but encourage others who may also be facing obstacles in their lives.  I am both strengthened and humbled, when I read Romans 3:3-5, “We also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.”

By believing, I know “I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13). I pray through the lessons I have learned, I may show more compassion toward others, who may need a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear, or a word of encouragement.  By trusting and relying on God, as He draws me closer to Him, He will give me the strength to confront all obstacles in my life and, through His strength, I will overcome all things in my life when leaning in God's everlasting arms!

In every struggle, I believe there is a blessing,
and there have been showers of blessings 
from all the struggles in my life.

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