(Please click for background music as you read this message of H.I.M.)
How comforting it is, beyond measure, that by knowing God I know peace; for if there was no God, then I would know no peace! I cannot express enough how thankful I am for the “Gifts of the Unknown” throughout my life, particularly during the most unexpected happy times such as the night my husband-to-be would propose to me and what joy I have had being his wife these past 19 years. As well, I would never have known the blessing of being loved by my siblings had my beloved mother not chosen to have more children after me, nor would I have known the joy and privilege of being an aunt to my two beautiful nieces had it not been for my dear sister and brother-in-law choosing to be parents. These “Gifts of the Unknown” have been both rewarding and fulfilling in my life, which I will always treasure.
However, the “Gifts of the Unknown” have also been experienced during the most challenging and unhappy times in my life as well. For example, the loss of my dear loved ones, who I miss every day, but so very much treasure the memories of love, laughter and wisdom they have left with me and the special part of my heart they will always hold dearly until the day I die.
I believe it goes without saying, though, the most profound “Gift of the Unknown” has been my cancer diagnosis. Although one can never be prepared for life’s traumatic turn-of-events, the sooner one accepts and adapts, the sooner one can move forward with a more fulfilling life; as we all know life never goes backward. Through this journey, there most certainly have been nights of sorrow, but as the scripture reads in Psalm 30:5 though “weeping may endure for a night, joy comes in the morning.”
Time and time again, opportunity has been given to me sharing God’s promises of Hope~Inspiration~Motivation; in other words, H.I.M. For example, if it were not for the unexpected opportunity (Gift) of listening last spring on our national news broadcast about Contextual Genomics, a Canadian privately held company that develops and delivers genomic-based molecular diagnostics to cancer patients, I doubt very much that I would be alive today. It was during this broadcast they announced they were recruiting a limited number of cancer patients across Canada to be given the opportunity of personalized cancer care. Hence, this gave me hope and inspiration! It was shortly after this broadcast that I would have the opportunity (Gift) to discuss my possible eligibility with my oncologist, who, in turn, immediately pursued the in-depth prerequisites on my behalf. Then after anxiously waiting for a few weeks, we were given the wonderful news (Gift) that not only was my cancer mutation identified, but a recommended target therapy medication (Gift) was also provided, which was not necessarily a guarantee in this process. It was also a medication (Gift) that “traditionally” was not considered for my initial breast cancer diagnosis. Hence, this, in itself, was a miracle (Gift)! Although the targeted therapy medication has come with its own challenges, it, nevertheless, is presently destroying the cancer cells in my body that is keeping me alive (Gift)! Consequently, this miracle (Gift), has been a motivation for me to be an advocate for others of which I cannot emphasize enough the importance of personalized medical care!
Although I still continue with my daily struggles of living with the effects of cancer, I am so grateful for the “Gifts of the Unknown” for I am daily reminded of how dependent I am on the Lord, who is my Shepherd, when reading Psalm 139 as His:
• Grace surrounds & protects me so that I will not be afraid of the unknown physiological path of my disease ~ "You have encircled me; You have placed Your hand on me." (verse 5);
• Guidance leads & directs me, so that I will not be afraid of the pathological detours of my disease ~ "...thy hand leads me...." (verse 10);
• Grasp holds & never lets go of me, so that I will not be afraid of the physiological, pathological & psychological gradients of my disease ~ "...thy right hand shall hold me." (verse 10).
Hence, with praise and peace I can say, "Yea, though I walk 'through' the valley of the 'shadow' of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me." (Psalm 23:4)
Oh Dear Bonita! Thank you once again for the beautiful writing! I am able to relate ever so slightly to this....not because I battle the battle you are in, but because I battle anxiety, and lots of it....it is at times debilitating. I am 58 years old today and I have missed out on so many things that have caused great regret because I at times just couldn't make myself face the crowds or expose myself to the questions associated with .... "why do you say that?" "why do you do that?" "no no, you are all wrong!" and so on! it weakens me so. But I have not gone through what you are going through and I need to rest in God's care and rejoice in HIS love and faithfulness. There is so much to be thankful for. There is so much to be filled with joy over....I ask for forgiveness that my mind's focus is often on my weaknesses and not on how The Lord has picked me up and carried me through! Thank you so much for the joy and encouragement that I receive from your writings. It feels as though I have just taken out the trash and everything is all cleaned up again. I just don't know how else to say it! May The Lord continue HIS work and HIS healing in you as HE continues to restore and make new in you! You are so loved and appreciated Bonita!
ReplyDeleteWith blessings of love and prayers,
You are always a blessing to me Bunnie!! Because of H.I.S. love for you, He is using you to be an example and inspiration to others. Also because of H.I.S. love for us!! I am praying for your continued strength and healing that God is giving you! Thank you for letting God use you to be an inspiration to others Bunnie!! I love you!!
ReplyDeleteHi my dear Bunnie! "YOU" are a "gift of the unknown" to me! I could not have known to ask for the blessing of you in my life! It is an unanticipated joy! I'm so thankful. Your encouragement to us today has brought to life a few "gifts of the unknown" in my life and I suspect if I am "still" long enough the Lord will bring to life many more. Might I briefly share this with you. For years and years I struggled to understand my step-father and his ways of interacting with mom and her 7 children. The two youngest were biological his. Most of my sibs sadly had little love for him,and sometimes dreaded his presence, but I saw him as a good man and kind in his own way and couldn't turn him away. One day a magazine article revealed the source of my dad's black and white thinking, if you will, and a light went on for me. He suffered from a mild form of autism and had every single symptom listed as did his brothers. I researched this form of Asperger's Syndrome in great depth. From that time on I saw my dad so differently and genuine love and understanding grew. I realized there were some things he wasn't able to do or express well; and whatever hurt we experienced as a result was never personal. I only wish my mom had known this before she passed away but I trust God and she loved him better than most would have. I attempted to share this "unknown gift of understanding" with my sibs but only one was interested in seeing their dad in a new way, the rest preferring to hold onto their anger and hurt. Years later, I was to be dad's caregiver and God had prepared me to love my dad through the years of dementia and unintended hurt that sometimes came to Scott, Andrew and I. Thank-you for the reminder of these gifts Bunnie! Such amazing treasures when we find them. I love you so!!! Mary