Sunday, April 16, 2017

The Gift of Life. . .

Spirit of the Living God Fall Fresh on Me - Arrangement by Greg Howlett
(Please click for background music as you read this message of H.I.M.)

Have you seen it? Have you heard it? Have you touched it? Have you breathed it?  It is all around you, but have you even noticed it; the season known as the “Gift of Life?”

With its exuding exuberance, oh, how blessed we are to be awakened from the cold harshness of winter’s test of dormancy and endurance and breathe the fresh air of yet another glorious season of Spring; my absolute favourite time of year. 

Spring is a season in action of giving rebirth, rejuvenation, reinvigoration, revitalization and resurrection.  Its full beauty and grandeur are a welcome sight to those who have been disheartened by winter’s blight.

And so, as I walk around our gardens through the lush green grass, I see new growth on our rose bushes, the hostas shooting up their little heads through the ground, watching the daffodils lift up their smiling faces toward the warmth of the sun, while being surrounded by their counterparts of spring blooms bursting of hyacinths, tulips, snow drops, crocus, forsythias and magnolias. They are all a constant reminder that hope for a brighter tomorrow is on its way, as the spring birds melodious sing and chirp away while the bald eagles sail through the open soft blue sky rejoicing that winter’s snow of yesterday has finally melted away, given the arrival of spring its long-awaited awakening.

Oh, how precious and sacred life is! Never to be taken for granted. For every breath we take
glorifies God’s "Gift of Life" to us all. Just as we spring clean the inside and outside of our homes and gardens, so, too, is it vitally important to do the same in our lives ~ mentally, physically and spiritually. “How so?” one may ask. By staying focused on only positive thoughts, surrounding one's self with only those individuals who are a positive influence in one's life, and never forget God’s promises. Thus, this, in return, will inspire each one of us to let go of winter’s grip and aspire us to fill our life with spring’s new beginnings of hope, peace, and love. 

Now is the season to plant those seeds, cultivate and watch them grown as they bring forth the joy of the "Gift of Life" that reaches down into your heart and soul. For as you endure and persevere through the struggles and sorrows that life’s harsh winter has beset upon you, when you cultivate God’s love and grace into the bulbs of your life through the soil of prayer, you will reap the growth of your faith growing deeper and blossoming more abundantly in each day of your life.

It is only through God's nourishing and fertilizing of grace and believing in His promises can we shed winter’s plights with spring’s sights of hope; as we claim this season’s "Gift of Life" that will renew and refresh our souls so that we can sing, “It is well with my soul.” ~ 
Singing the praises of Him for the
Promises He has given for us,
Rejoicing in the Gift of Life, 
Infused by His precious love for us. 
Never giving up on hope but claiming His 
Glory and Grace through the Power of His Son for us. 

So, my prayer for you today is that you will be reminded of God’s "Gift of Life" as you hear the birds sing as they spread their wings, as you see the buds of life on every tree and flower spring forth and blossom through God’s loving showers, just as it is His delight in making our weary hearts count their blessings and never lose sight of Him.

“For as the earth brings forth its bud,
as the garden causes the things
 that are sown in it to spring forth,
so the Lord GOD will cause righteousness
and praise to spring forth
before all the nations.”
Isaiah 61:11


  1. My, my, my! Thank you for the words written here to return me to the newness of life everyday! Wow! I have been for the pat 2 weeks so overwhelmed by the tasks of the day, work, responsibilities, go to and fro, etc...... oh but now....the refreshing feeling of peace in focusing on God's bountiful blessings. Thank you! As I walked through your words I was pausing in my thoughts seeing some of the growing taking place on our farm as well. This morning when I go to do my barn work...I will pause at the beauty and smile upon the give HIM praise and thanksgiving for HIS love in giving us so many areas of resting upon regrowth, renewal and reflecting on the seasons, not only of the seasons of time but of our hearts as well. Bunnie you are so beautiful in the love you have for God and the tenderness you have in sharing. I truly felt I was going for a morning walk with you as I was reading your devotional. You are a sweet sweet blessing! Thank you. May God rest HIS presence upon you and may HE continue to keep the store house of heaven wide open for you!
    Love you so much,

  2. Beautifully written Bonita. Spring always comes late to my area and it's a welcome sight. Yesterday for the first time this Spring, I saw a flower in bloom in my mother's garden. One lone purple flower but it was in bloom. I appreciate your kind words and focus on what's important. ~ Abby

  3. Poetry . . . sweet poetry spoken from the heart of one of God's children to siblings in the same family. I so agree with Tammy, that I too, felt like I was alongside you in your morning walk. I have no words to convey how in my heart I know it is supposed to be this way . . . that we understand together, see together, and are covered by God's love together . . . yet cannot imagine how this happens; only that it does. Much love to you Bunnie and other family here too. Mary
