Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The English Planter. . .

When Answers Aren't Enough ~ Arrangement by Scott Wesley Brown
(Please click for background music as you read this message of H.I.M.)

Over the past few weeks, my husband and I have toured our share of garden centres as we searched for just the right flower baskets for our property.  One of our favourite garden centres is located in a quaint country village that has always impressed us with their variety of flower arrangements. In fact, it is almost overwhelming which one to choose, as they are all so beautiful. Nevertheless, I wanted to go with an English garden theme this year but could not find just the right basket until I met a lady whose cart was overflowing with breath-taking arrangements of petunias, geraniums, verbena, bacopa, million bells, ivy and so much more.  “Oh, I said, that is what I have been looking for; where did you find them?”  This lady kindly directed me to one of the many greenhouses and said, “Just look up and you will find one.”  I sincerely thanked her and sure enough as we entered this one particular greenhouse we did, indeed, find the perfect arrangement which is now displayed in our backyard! Little did this dear soul know, however, how poignant I found her statement to be for more reasons than one.   

So often we travel through life searching and trying to find answers to life’s challenges, struggles and sufferings. We may ask others for their advice, we may read self-help books, we may wander from this source to that in hopes of finding the answers, but at the end of the day when all else has failed I have found, from personal experience, that my only true source for answers to all of life’s trials is from our heavenly Father. One of my favourite scripture verses reminds me, “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God” (Philippians 4:6). There is not a day goes by but what I don’t thank the Good Lord for a new morning in which I have been blessed bountifully with the wealth of good health these days!  

How thankful I am that God has never once left my side during the most troubling time of my life.  How many times have I read over and over these many months and savoured, “Tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope” (Romans 5:3-5). Through the countless prayers and support by our loving families and dear friends, my dear husband and I have been given the strength (and hope) to persevere and endure this past year with my health scare. It truly brings tears of joy to the depths of my heart and very soul when I reflect on where we were a year ago at this time, uncertain of my prognosis; yet, today I can count my many blessings that I am well.  From my sufferings have come forth countless blessings that I will always be eternally grateful for as it has given me more passion for life and more compassion for others.   

If I have learned anything this past year, while convalescing at home, it is my purpose and meaning in life! Regardless of the mountains of desperation in life we may be facing, God always wants us to look up to Him and put our trust and hope in Him for He is always there.  In so doing, as He is the vine and we are the branches (John 15:5), we, too, can give compassion and hope to others.  

The following is a beautiful song, "When Answers Aren't Enough" written a few years ago by gospel songwriter, Scott Wesley Brown.  It has meant a lot to me over the years, but now more so than ever before:

You have faced the mountains of desperation
You have climbed, you have fought, you have won
But this valley that lies coldly before you
Casts a shadow you cannot overcome

And just when you thought you had it all together
You knew every verse to get you through
But this time the sorrow broke more than just your heart
And reciting all those verses just won't do

When answers aren't enough, there is Jesus
He is more than just an answer to your prayer
And your heart will find a safe and peaceful refuge
When answers aren't enough, He is there

Instead of asking why did it happen
Think of where it can lead you from here
And as your pain is slowly easing, you can find a greater reason
To live your life triumphant through the tears.

"Be like a flower, turn your face to the Son."
~ Anonymous ~


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Flower Power. . .

A Wave of Wildflowers  ~ Arrangement by Dan Gibson (Solitudes)
(Please click for background music as you read this message of H.I.M.)

As I stroll through our lush backyard observing the newly designed emerald green and burgundy leaves cascading from our big maple trees, I am delighted to be serenaded by the sounds of the morning doves, cardinals, robins, and sparrows, as they cheerfully sing their songs of joy of spring’s return.  While I quietly walk my tour around our flower beds, I am in awe as I watch spring evolve in our backyard with its refreshing majesty and breath-taking colours amongst the perennials of crocus, daffodils, hyacinths, tulips, lily of the valley, rock cress, sweet woodruff, and let me not forget the “forget-me-knots”.  It never ceases to fascinate me how the healing power of flowers can affect our overall well-being without a single word being spoken.  Whether we inhale their unique individual fragrance, carefully observe their eye-catching colour or watch the grandeur of their beauty, it is not only inspiring and refreshing, but it is amazing how a simple, yet stunning, flower unassumingly lifts one’s spirits into a gentler, peaceful and calmer state of mind.  What an encouragement for each of us!

In fact, I could not help but think of the verse, “Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin” (Matthew 6:28).  Not only do the flowers have the power to display their natural beauty, but they also release a sense of ~ calmness, compassion, tranquility, peacefulness, contentment, and optimism that translates into both inner joy and inner balance. Is that not what each of us strive for in our own lives? Oh, the lessons we can learn from the power of a flower. 

As the flowers embrace the sun’s warmth and its positive effects of light for inner growth, we, too, must learn the importance to focus on all that is good and positive in our lives, even when difficult and dark days may come into our lives.  For if we learn to cherish the warmth and light of optimism and hope that is within each of us, we can also be a source of encouragement and display the beauty of compassion toward others.   

Another lesson to be remembered is that regardless how long their finite lives may be, flowers still continue to grow to their full potential and thrive in the moment of their glory, despite the adversities they may endure. Similarly, although we, too, will eventually experience the brevity of life that should not cause us to withhold the pursuits of passion, potential, purpose, and promise for our lives as we live each day. For I have learned, if one chooses to plant flowers of encouragement, hope and inspiration in the garden of life of others, one’s life will only become a beautiful bouquet!

“All the flowers of all the tomorrows
are in the seeds of today.”
~ Indian Proverb ~

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

It's All About H.I.M. . .

The Mission/How Great Thou Art ~ Arrangement by The Piano Guys
(Please click for background music as you read this message of H.I.M.)

Regardless of how old we are or who we are, we are ALL storytellers. From the moment we take our first breath until our very last, with each "new morning" God grants us, our life’s story is being written in the Book of Life.  Along the way, there may be some chapters in our lives that are more significant than others, which we may remember more passionately.  Nevertheless, each of us is the author to our very own “special” biography to share with others; custom-made by God’s design. 

Recently, I was asked why I felt the need to write. Due to this past year's health scare and life-changing event in my life, without hesitation, I knew exactly why. It is definitely not for self-importance.  However, it is all about ~ Hope InspirationMotivation.  In other words, it’s all about H.I.M.  It is my heartfelt passion to encourage others during their life’s journey when facing their mountains or unexpected detours in life. Although this past year has appeared to put my life in a mess, with God’s compassion, grace and guidance, it is my devout mission to turn my life’s mess into a “message,” rather than wallowing in my own fears and tears. I am, therefore, inspired, more than ever, to give H.I.M. to others, who may be hurting while their life feels like it may be crumbling all around them.  It is only by the divine power of God and seeking His will for my life that I am an instrument writing these messages of H.I.M.

As we begin to read the first two and a half chapters of Lamentations, we, like Jeremiah, may feel afraid, alone, discouraged and in despair. However, as we read further into Chapter 3, we see that rather than Jeremiah concentrating on his own troubles, he begins to seek and trust God. Hence, he begins to experience God’s "compassion" and "great faithfulness".  He also learns to “quietly wait” (patiently) for God’s deliverance for hope, inspiration and motivation. As a result, Jeremiah then begins to share H.I.M. with others.  
• Hope – “The Lord is my portion; therefore, I will hope in Him.” (Lamentations 3:24)
• Inspiration – “Because of the Lord’s great love, we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail.  They are new every morning, great is Thy faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3:22-23) 
• MotivationThe Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him. It is good that one should hope and wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.” (Lamentations 3:25-26)

It is, therefore, by the school of life's lessons of Jeremiah that we, too, can experience God’s unwavering love, great faithfulness and never-ending mercies cascade into our lives when we seek and trust Him. For I have learned that I will never walk alone, while the chapters of my life continue to be written, and as I continue writing all about H.I.M.  I sincerely pray that you will experience H.I.M. in your life too!    

The past is a source of knowledge, 
and the future is a source of hope. 
Love of the past implies faith in the future.”
~ Stephen Ambrose ~

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Peace Under Pressure. . .

Heart of the Forest ~ Arrangement by Dan Gibson (Solitudes)
(Please click for background music as you read this message of H.I.M.)
It is hard to believe that only a year ago, on this very day, I would be given the diagnosis of breast cancer! It is a moment I will never forget for as long as I live.  Yet, from that very moment I can truly say that I have had peace under pressure.  However, it most certainly has not been of my own doing, but rather through much prayer and soul searching, as well as trusting and believing in: 
•  God’s Peace ~  
    “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you…Let not          your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." (John 14:27)
•  God’s Power ~ 
    “Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might."
     (Ephesians 6:10)
•  God’s Presence ~ 
    “Lo, I am with you always, even until the very end of time."
     (Matthew 28:20)
•  God’s Promises ~ 
    “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your
     God. I will give you strength and I will help you.” 
     (Isaiah 40:10)

Do you ever feel like you are living in a pressure cooker? Are you dealing with pressures unimaginable, unthinkable, or unforgettable? Do the pressures of life feel like they are squeezing the life right out of you?  As I ponder on such pressures in our lives, I know that it is only when we release all of life’s pressures into God's hands can He work in our lives.  

Only when I meditate and savour God’s Word, can I find and receive the “spiritual” nourishment I need to help me cope with life’s daily pressures.  I am encouraged when I read, “We are troubled on every side; yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair” (II Corinthians 4:8).  If I did not have God’s promises to cling to, I would become faint of heart rather than having a contented heart and peace of mind.  I would see this time in my life like a dead-end rather than a doorway of opportunity. 

I know life will never be free of pressures, but I have learned it is only when I let go of my inner turmoil, due to my outward circumstances, can God give me the inner peace and outward contentment for my life.  It is only through the pressures of life, especially this past year, have I learned what the real purpose and priorities in my life are through much prayer and self-examination.

Therefore, as I thank God for the peace He has given me to face life’s daily pressures and the aftermath of breast cancer; it is my sincere prayer that you, too, can experience peace under pressure

May the Lord bless you, and keep you; May the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious unto you; May the Lord turn His face toward you, and give you peace.” 
(Numbers 6:24-26)

God’s peace is far greater than the fear of life’s pressures.
~ By Bonita ~


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Rest & Refuel. . .

Hymn to the Old Growth ~ Arrangement by Dan Gibson (Solitudes)
(Please click for background music as you read this message of H.I.M.) 

As Jake, our beloved dog, who is my constant companion, and I stroll around our neighbourhood during our daily walk watching the welcome sight of robins singing while they scour the grounds for food or the “spring” bunnies scurry across a lawn, I savour these moments.  Lately, every new morning seems to reveal more signs that spring is finally on its way.  For example, I can now see the delicate white snowdrops cascade around the rock bed of our big maple tree, while the hyacinths and crocus slowly edge their way up through the ground as the warmth of the sun melts away the last of the ice and snow in our backyard. Meanwhile, my husband and I were delighted to recently see another sign of spring when we saw hundreds of “tundra” swans, who flew up from their winter habitat in the Chesapeake Bay area, stopover at a nearby wildlife conservation area to rest and refuel.  We quietly watch and marvel at the moment. I cannot begin to fathom the long, arduous journey they still have to endure or the many obstacles they may have to overcome, in order to reach their final destination in the high Artic region between Alaska and Baffin Island.  However, every year, for a week or two, thousands upon thousands of these magnificent-looking birds arrive in our region for a short while before continuing their migration.  

Although it feels like we have been consumed with a long, dreary, harsh winter, the recent signs of spring are bringing with them new beginnings, new growth and a new hope for brighter days ahead. Just like the tundra swans, we may find that we, too, must “rest” and “refuel,” due to life’s trials, difficult circumstances, or when experiencing moments of loss, tears or sorrow. We wonder if we will ever have the strength to carry on and get through these challenging times that make us weary, exhausted and discouraged.  As I search God’s Word to refuel emotionally and spiritually, I am comforted, encouraged, and at peace when I read Lamentations 3:22-25.  For I am assured that "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end.  They are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness. "The Lord is my portion" says my soul, "therefore, I will hope in Him." The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul that seeks Him."

I do not think I would be the person I am today were it not for the struggles I have experienced throughout my life.  For I know these challenging circumstances, especially the diagnosis of breast cancer, have most certainly taught me to not only persevere, but to wait on the Lord and have hope in the Lord as He nourishes, restores, strengthens, and heals me every new morning. It is only through His compassion can I find rest and refuel my soul as His calms, comforts and cares for me, regardless how big or small my circumstances may be.

It is, therefore, my sincere prayer that I may have a Christ-like compassion towards others, who, too, may need a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear or a word of encouragement when life's trials seem overwhelming.  By resting our hope in God, I know that He will refuel us with the strength to confront all obstacles in our lives, and through His infinite mercies we can savour these moments one day at a time! 
"God comforts us in all our troubles, 
so that we can comfort
 those in any trouble with the comfort
we ourselves have received from God." 
(2 Corinthians 1:4)

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Promise of Springtime. . .

Reflections ~ Arrangement by Chad Lawson 
(Please click for background music as you read this message of H.I.M.)

Old man winter just won’t give up!  For two wonderful days this past week, it seemed like we were just beginning to enjoy spring’s warmer temperatures, while watching the snow melt away.  Not only were the cardinals, chickadees and doves singing their glorious tunes among the sunny blue skies, but, finally, without further delay the promise of spring had arrived.  What a wonderful sight to see and to hear the rich, warbling chirp of our spring feathered friend, the robin, who joined this festive feathered choir!  The next day, however, winter came back with a vengeance.  

Consequently, I was knee-deep shovelling more snow again! Oh, how can this be? Will this winter season ever end? I cannot bear the thought of having to shovel the driveway one more time. I am exhausted and weary of this winter, yet, I persevere for I know the promise of springtime is just around the corner!  

When I finally went inside to warm up with a hot cup of tea, it made me ponder on the winter season of my own life.  Although there have been overcast days that have been unpredictable, harsh and arduous during my many months of recovery from surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, I could not help but think of the verse I continue to cling to when fear, self-doubt and insecurities try creeping into my life, “He giveth power to the faint; and those who have no might he increaseth strength” (Isaiah 40:29).  

Hence, as I reflect on this winter of my life, I am so very grateful that I, too, can see the promise of springtime!  During these long, grueling months, I thank God for the power He gave me to persevere when there were times I could barely endure another treatment as I was faint at heart, physically exhausted and spiritually weary.  As well, I thank God for the strength He gave me to be steadfast knowing these winter hardships in my life would only make me stronger mentally, physically, and spiritually. 

Just like the winter barren trees patiently wait for their new spring fashion of colour or the brown, dreary garden beds longingly wait for their soon to be covered joyous rainbow of spring flowers, so, too, is my life being renewed as I anticipate the promise of springtime.  Surgery, chemotherapy and radiation are now behind me.  With each new day I have been given, I see signs of the promise of springtime in my life! My energy level improves day-by-day as my appetite becomes healthier. I am now, finally, able to walk further on my daily walks, bit-by-bit, with my beloved dog, Jake.  My physical appearance is also slowly returning to normalcy as I watch my new soft salt and pepper head of hair grow in, or carefully apply mascara on my new set of eye lashes, while the arches on my brows fill in with colour. 

More importantly, I am cloaked with renewed confidence as I believe and trust God has a plan for my life when I read Hebrews 10:35-36. For it is only through His power and strength that I have the hope and confidence to persevere and endure all the winter seasons of my life.  As the seasons in my life continue to evolve, I have so much to be thankful for knowing God’s presence is with me each and every day, while His promise of springtime continues to flourish in my life with His everlasting blessings.

When you feel you can no longer cope,
remember God gently whispers,
“persevere, carry on, and never give up hope."
~ By Bonita ~

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Simple Acts. . .

As the Deer ~ Arrangement by Berrymore84 (Piano Instrumental)
(Please click for background music as you read this message of H.I.M.)

As I continue on my road to recovery, I have been abundantly blessed by the simple kind acts of care and compassion by others.  I truly thank God for what I have been given and am overwhelmed with emotions of heartfelt gratitude. For as one quietly thinks of the grief they must bear, it is so easy to feel lost and think no one will care.  But I have learned that it is in our darkest hour of light that the stars of family and dear friendships are bright, as they come shining through by their simple acts of kindness that have such a deep impact. And so. . . a small thing that makes a big difference is. . .
A gentle voice,
A tender touch,
A listening ear
Can mean so much.

An outstretched hand,
A warm embrace,
A glimpse of hope,
A smiling face.

A friendly word,
A thoughtful deed,
A prayer for those
Who are in need.

These are the gifts
I cherish dear,
To heal one’s heart
Or wipe a tear.

For only God
Can heal one’s heart,
Through simple acts
He doth impart.
~ By Bonita ~

“As the deer pants for streams of water,
so my soul pants for you, O God.” 
Psalm 42:1

Monday, February 17, 2014

Dancing in the Sand. . .

Draw Me Close ~ Arrangement by Unknown (Piano & Cello Duo)
(Please click for background music as you read this message of H.I.M.)

A dear friend of mine recently sent me a revised version of the “Footprints” poem. I have always been fond of the original version of this poem because of its powerful and encouraging message. In fact, the original poem was written by Mary Fishback Powers, who was a member of the church that I attended as a little girl. The story of the poem reminds us that regardless of the circumstances that may come into our life, Jesus is always walking with us through it all, if we draw close to Him. I hope, however, you find the following revised copy of the “Footprints Poem: Dancing with Jesus” as inspiring as I did:      

Imagine you and the Lord Jesus are walking down the road together.  For much of the way, the Lord's footprints go along steadily, consistently, rarely varying the pace.  But your footprints are a disorganized stream of zigzags, starts, stops, turnarounds, circles, departures, and returns. For a while, it seems to go like this, but gradually your footprints come more in line with the Lord's, soon paralleling, His consistently...You and Jesus are walking as true friends!  

This seems perfect, but then an interesting thing happens: Your footprints that once etched the sand next to Jesus' are now walking precisely in His steps. Inside His larger footprints are your smaller ones, you and Jesus are becoming one. This goes on for many miles, but gradually you notice another change. The footprints inside the large footprints seem to grow larger. Eventually they disappear altogether. There is only one set of footprints. They have become one. This goes on for a long time, but suddenly the second set of footprints is back. This time it seems even worse! Zigzags all over the place.  Stops.  Starts. Gashes in the sand.  A variable mess of prints.  You are amazed and shocked.  Your dream ends. Now you pray:   “Lord, I understand the first scene, with zigzags and fits. I was a new Christian; I was just learning. But You walked on through the storm and helped me learn to walk with You.”

“That is correct.” Jesus replied.
“And when the smaller footprints were inside of Yours, I was actually learning to walk in Your steps, following You very closely.” 
“Very good. You have understood everything so far.”
“ When the smaller footprints grew and filled in Yours, I suppose that I was becoming like You in every way.” 
“So, Lord, was there a regression of something ? The footprints separated, and this time it was worse than at first.”
There is a pause as the Lord answers, with a smile in His voice.  
“You didn't know? It was then that we danced!”  
~ Author Unknown ~

Dancing with Jesus
Through life's stormy seas,
My steps in His steps
I follow His lead.

Dancing with Jesus,
my life in His hands,
I'll trust Him forever
For He understands.

~ By Bonita ~

Monday, February 3, 2014

In a "Flicker". . .

Still (Hillsong) ~ Arrangement by D. Vichkyothin
(Please click for background music as you read this message of H.I.M.)

In this world of high tech communications, many of us appear to rely on our communications to be sent and/or received instantaneously in a “flicker.”  However, I have learned that sending communications via email, for example, does not necessarily guarantee an immediate response, although we may often expect this and may even become frustrated that our communications were not answered right away. We begin to question, “Did the recipient receive my message? Why is it taking so long for a response?” 

On the other side of life’s coin, our life, for the most part, seems to be sailing along smoothly when all of a sudden, in a “flicker,” it is turned upside down; perhaps, due to an unexpected loss of a job, a loved one’s passing, or a life-altering change in one’s health. And so, we ask ourselves, “How could this happen? Oh God, why did this have to happen?” In a flicker, our life as we once knew it has been changed forever by an unexpected turn of events. A path we never expected to travel down. Hence, we may ask, “Lord, where is this new path taking me, for I am so afraid?” Consequently, not only “patience”, but prayer truly does become a virtue in one’s life!  

I recall as I was looking out our bedroom window one beautiful spring morning, while admiring the welcoming spring flowers that were displayed in our backyard, that I noticed an unusual looking bird scouting our yard; no doubt looking for insects.  As I did not recall seeing such a handsome looking bird like this before I asked my husband, who is always a wealth of trivia, what this bird might be. After viewing this medium size bird with its black scalloped plumage consisting of black spots, bars and crescents, along with a white rump patch and a triangular red marking on the nape of its neck, my husband informed me that it was a “flicker,” which is a member of the woodpecker family. This gentle looking bird did not seem to have a care in the world; in fact, he was quite enjoying his stroll in our backyard. I could not help but think, however, that its namesake reminded me of how quickly life’s challenges and calamities can change our day-to-day lives forever in just a “flicker.”  

It also made me ponder when we cry out to God in prayer, if we sometimes expect He, too, will answer our prayers in a “flicker.” Hence, when our prayers seem to be unanswered, we may become discouraged, frustrated or weary. Yet, in James 1:6 I am reminded, “But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.” God does not want us to base our faith and trust in Him on storms of emotion that are tossing to and fro, but on His Word and His promises. Like a mother swan who gracefully protects and shields her baby swans, or cygnets, from harm’s way with her beautifully strong and majestic white-feathered wings, God, too, will lovingly place us, “under His wings” so that we can experience His passion, peace and protection in our lives, if we will only trust in Him. Over and over again, I have found great comfort in knowing when I cry out to God during the unexpected storms of life, I will always find strength, solace, shelter, and security “under His wings”.  As I continue to mediate daily with God, my faith grows deeper and stronger, while persevering through the storms of life no matter what ill may befall me. For I have learned, to just be still and trust in Him, I will have peace in my life if I take refuge and hide “under His wings,” regardless of what may happen in a “flicker.”  

"The Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God,
in Him will I trust. . . He shall cover me with His feathers,
and under His wings shall I trust.” (Psalm 91:2, 4)

Monday, January 20, 2014

New Year ~ "New Normalcy". . .

Above All  ~ Arrangement by Unknown (Piano & Cello Duo)
(Please click for background music as you read this message of H.I.M.)

Definition of “normal”:  the state of being usual, typical, or expected.

It has been said that Plato once commented, “An unexamined life is a wasted life.”  If that were true, then this past year I most certainly have had much time for reflection as I prepare for my “new normalcy.”  It has now been nine months since having had major surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatments to make me well again. Thankfully, my invasive course of treatments is now complete!

We now not only begin a new year, but my “new normalcy,” which is so very much welcome. And yet, I ask myself, “What does a “new normalcy” actually mean?  Was this past year of pain and suffering that much out of the norm for life in general?”  I sometimes wonder if our society defines the definition of “normal” in its truest form.  In other words, “What should one really expect to be considered “normal,” while on the happy trail called "life"? If one were to eliminate anxiety, fear, pain, stress, worry, or possibly physical unwellness in one’s life, then life must be “normal” right, while seamlessly sailing along?  However, if one does, in fact, suffer from one or all of these mental and/or physical states then should one expect to be considered “abnormal”? Will I ever feel that I can experience contentment, happiness, peace, stability or tranquility again like I did in my pre-cancer, “normal” life, assuming they existed before cancer invaded my life?" I ask these questions of myself, as I really am unsure how to define the “new normalcy” of my life, since being diagnosed with breast cancer.  However, one thing I know for sure since having had cancer it most certainly does force one to re-examine and reflect on the direction, meaning and purpose of one’s life. 

I believe for me to honestly answer any of the abovementioned questions for my life, I must above all, acknowledge the following, in order to have any quality of mental, physical and/or spiritual wellness:

Accept – God’s promises, believe and wait on Him.  A normal life can and most likely will have challenges of anxiety, fear, pain, stress, worry, and possibly poor health at some point in one’s life’s;
But whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm” (Proverbs 1:33).
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31).

Cling – to God’s promises.  Pray and mediate each and every day, knowing one does not need to go through life’s uncharted waters alone as God, who is my comforter, will always be with me;
My soul clings to you; Your right hand upholds me”(Psalm 63:8).
Blessed be to the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort. Who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God” (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).

Trust – in God’s promises.  It is only by trusting God with my life can I experience the direction, meaning and purpose of my life, which will give me inner peace, healing and restoration.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding" (Proverbs 3:5).
“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:9). 
As a child of God, I must daily ACT in faith, hope and prayer that His will be done in and for my life knowing His love and faithfulness will carry me through ALL of life’s circumstances in this new year ~ my new normalcy.
“Faith is like radar that sees through the fog —
the reality of things at a distance
that the human eye cannot see
~ Corrie ten Boom

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Tranquility of Laughter. . .

Jesus, There's Just Something About That Name ~ Arrangement by Tami Yates
(Please click for background music as you read this message of H.I.M.)

I believe one of the sweetest sounds to the ears is listening to a child’s laughter. I recall, with fond memories, when I would tickle one of my young nieces, as we played, how they would giggle and laugh almost hysterically with such innocence and joy. They did not have a care in the world and the sound of their laughter was like a breath of fresh air!  

One of my favourite Bible stories is when the children were invited to sit with Jesus as He blessed them.  I can only imagine the excitement these young children must have experienced and what sheer delight it must have been for each child to snuggle up close to Jesus into His open arms. Oh, to have been one of those children, to feel His love and compassion.  In Matthew 19:14, Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."  Although there does not appear to be any specific reference in the Bible to Jesus laughing, I cannot imagine that Jesus would not have laughed and played with these young children as well as listened to their stories and deepest secrets. Children have a special gift when it comes to laughter. Their innocence, yet curiosity, exudes such delight in the smallest of pleasures, carefreeness, positive attitude and pure joy, which ultimately puts a smile on those who are around them. Their laughter is infectious. Though one’s childhood may flee like a beautiful sunset into the evening’s horizon, its memories of laughter are filled with tranquility that brings much solace to the soul.

The old saying “laughter is the best medicine” is actually supported by many medical professionals.  Laughter has not only been shown to improve one’s emotional and physical health, but spiritual health as well.  I once read “laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects” as quoted by Arnold H. Glasow.  Considering the severity of the side effects I have experienced this past year due to surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, I gladly welcome such a prescription as laughter, which has been a godsend to this battered body, mind and soul.  I am so thankful that God has given us the gift of laughter for it reminds me: 
  • Joy can be found in all circumstances ~ “For I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content” (Philippians 4:11);   
  • Even my burdens, if just for a while, can be lifted and carried away by a moment of laughter ~ “Cast your burden upon the Lord and He shall sustain you” (Psalm 55:22); 
  • Strength comes from within as laughter re-energizes, renews and restores one’s outlook on life with optimism and hope for a better tomorrow ~ “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13);
  • Unwavering faith can inspire new aspirations, hopes and dreams that one could never have imagined ~ “Call to me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know” (Jeremiah 33:3);
  • Scars of this past year may be with me forever, but I can rejoice in the name of JESUS that my prognosis is encouraging.  I have much to be thankful for as I have been surrounded by my loved ones, who have endured my sufferings, journeyed with me on this path of healing and have brought much love and laughter into my life ~ “Fear not – thou art mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you; when you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, neither shall the flame scorch you” (Isaiah 43:1,2). “For He knows the way I take; when He has tested me, I will come out as gold” (Job 23:10).
“If love is the treasure, laughter is the key.”
~ Yakov Smirnoff