Sunday, March 26, 2017

The Gift of Daily Bread. . .

Be Still - Arrangement by DappyTKeys
(Please click for background music as you read this message of H.I.M.)

I was blessed this past week by celebrating yet another birthday. It was momentous 
for me as I truly did not know if I would live long enough to share this occasion with my loved ones, based on my diagnosis of advanced cancer presented to me exactly one year ago. Thankfully, however, God’s mercy showered me with an abundant bouquet of kindness, generosity, thoughtfulness, and love as so many “best wishes” were extended to me from my dear family and friends.  The gratitude of this humble heart is profoundly appreciative beyond words.

To celebrate the occasion of my birthday, I was taken out for dinner by some of my family members. After carefully reviewing the menu, it was unanimous 
we would begin with an appetizer of fresh “Johnny Bread,” which to our delight was served in a bountiful basket of freshly rolled dough sticks that had been tossed in garlic butter and Parmesan cheese, and then golden fried to perfection accompanied with marinara sauce. It truly was mouth-watering and, as an after-thought, I could have easily made it a meal unto itself without my main entrée. What an indulgence that would have been! As I mused on this delightful evening later on, it reminded me of the portion of the Lord’s prayer that reads “Give us this day our ‘daily’ bread. . .” (Matthew 6:11). I cannot imagine my life without bread. Although I do not indulge in the pleasure of having bread daily for dietary reasons, I do confess when I do have a slice of bread, from time-to-time; it is most certainly both comforting and very satisfying. There is a proverb that saysBread is the staff of life, referring to the importance of bread being a staple in one’s life, not just ‘physically’ but, more importantly, ‘spiritually.’

This past year has most certainly brought me to the realization just how important God’s Word is a staple, a necessity, in my life. So, when I pray “Give me this day, my daily bread,” it is not just a request of asking God to nourish my ‘physical’ needs but my ‘spiritual’ needs as well.  For without His daily nourishment, I am ultimately weak and weary. 

Why is having the nourishment of God's bread, His Word, important to me? So that I may share with others the lessons He has given to me along my journey, which is all about H.I.M. This request, however, requires a daily, steadfast commitment.  Although it can be physically, mentally and even spiritually challenging, it is essential if I want to know God’s will for my life. 

Artist - Charles C. Curran
As Proverbs 31:13 and 27 remind me, a “virtuous woman works willingly with her hands;” AND “does not eat the bread of idleness.” Knowing I am in the final stage of cancer, I do not have time to be idle; time, unfortunately, is not in my favour. However, what time is given to me with each new day, I feel is a blessing and an opportunity to feed from God’s Word. This, in turn, gives me the opportunity to encourage and give hope to others through my writings. 

Hence, when I came across the following beautiful quote, I could not help but think what comfort and fulfillment the sustenance of God’s Word has truly been in my life by helping me come to terms with living with cancer, “A woman of God is one who sees her life with a mission to serve. What others see as a burden, she sees it as a blessing and an opportunity.” ~ Christine Russell.        

Thus, for me to come to grips with my life and accept “what is” rather than “what was” as a blessing and an opportunity is only through the divine gift of God’s grace by which I receive the “gift of His daily bread”.

"The Bible is meant to be bread
for daily use, not
cake for special occasions."
~ Anonymous ~


Sunday, March 19, 2017

The Gift of Insight. . .

My Faith Looks Up To Thee - Arrangement by Rick Betts
(Please click for background music as you read this message of H.I.M.)

A few years ago when I had a home-based gift basket business, in addition to my full-time job, I quickly discovered my fascination with packaging. I loved the designs and colour combinations whether they be abstract, floral, cream, silver, gold, stripes, or polka dots along with the accented ribbons and bows; although, always being particularly partial to the pastel colour combination. It was, therefore, no surprise to me as I was wandering through
the drug store, recently, looking at this and that, that from a distance my eyes caught this beautiful soft pastel pink box of seashells with a product I was sure would look great with our bathroom’s cottage theme décor sitting a pretty porcelain sea shell dish.  Having my hands already full with other items, I quickly grabbed one of these pretty boxes, paid for it along with my other items, and couldn’t wait to get home and put these sea shell products on display. So, when my husband and I arrived home, I wasted no time unpacking all our drug store stuff and quietly retreated to the bathroom with my pretty box! I could hardly wait to feel their soft, luxurious, creamy texture in my hands. Hence, as I carefully removed the clear-coated lid with its fancy script describing its “Sea Breeze” scent from the box and then carefully removing the additional clear-coated
wrapping of each sea shell, it should come as no surprise to you when I found myself utterly surprised that it was not the soft creamy sea shell “soaps” I thought I would be feeling, but instead they were scented, granular “bath bombs”!  How could I be so foolish? As you can imagine, I had to laugh at myself for not having the foresight to look more carefully. However, in my defense, I was in such a rush, while my husband was waiting, all I could think of was grab and go, while “assuming” the whole time I was buying pretty sea shell soaps; particularly, since I am a shower girl and not a bathtub soaker girl! Consequently, what I had ‘planned’ for my lovely porcelain sea shell dish with sea shell soaps now became a sea shell bath bomb display in a clear glass jar along with my other shell collection. 

Subsequent to this silly incident, I could not help but reflect on other assumptions I have made throughout my life, which have had a greater impact simply because I felt I lacked the
gift of insight,” also referred to as the “gift of discernment”; case in point my cancer diagnosis. First, I never thought it possible that I would be diagnosed with cancer. Why would I?  Cancer was not prominent in my family, and, besides, I thought I had a fairly healthy lifestyle; thus, cancer should not be an issue in my life.  My assumption sounded pretty solid to me. Oh, how wrong I was!  So, once my diagnosis was made, expedited measures to remove the cancer were put in place, and, subsequently, an optimistic treatment and recovery plan were decided upon, I assumed, yet again, all would be well and my life would carry on, for the most part, as it was. However, once again, I was wrong! Never did I think I would ever be where I am today living with Stage IV breast cancer.
So, one may ask, “
How does one get, or possibly know if they have, this ‘gift of insight’?” I honestly believe the one and only sure way is by studying God’s Word and being totally accepting of God’s will and plan for one’s life.  When I was initially diagnosed with cancer, if I had not poured my heart and soul into the Scriptures seeking God’s guidance, comfort and peace, I cannot imagine the state-of-mind I would be in today. My life would be in total shambles filled with uncertainty, fear and utter sadness.

As a child of God, we are taught we all have spiritual gifts; for example, giving, helping,
teaching, encouraging, faith and, also, discernment (distinguishing) (Romans 12:6-8; I Corinthians 12:6-8, and I Corinthians 12:28).  Discernment, of note, as referenced in I Corinthians 12:10, specifically means to discern truth from the untruth. I, on the other hand, am referring to ‘distinguishing’ the gift of insight”  into knowing (understanding) God’s will for my life;  in other words, what is the purpose of cancer in my  life? I can only share with you what I believe to be the gift of insight God has shown me thus far, which is His ~

Provision – “Consider the ravens: they neither sow nor reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them.  Of how much more value are YOU than the birds?" (Luke 12:24)
Is God really going to forsake me when I need Him the most?  I think not!  Not only do we need God’s provision of comfort and care for our physical needs, but, more importantly, we need Him for our emotional and spiritual needs. God’s riches of grace are countless! As a child of God, we are to give thanks for all things as He is in everything! As I once read, “Those who leave everything in God’s hands will eventually see God’s hands in everything” (author unknown).    
Abidingness – “I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)
In order to bear fruit, for example, my life had to be pruned so that I would grow slowly in character (strength) and reflect the fruit (bring forth) of Christ’s love towards others with care and compassion just as Christ has shown care and compassion to me, if I wanted to know God's will in my life. 
Tenderness – “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” (Psalm 34:18)
This truly is one of my favourite verses, and how often I have read and reread this comforting verse.  Never did I need to know God’s tenderness and nearness more than the day I was initially diagnosed with cancer and then, once again, only a year ago at this time, when I was told my cancer had advanced to Stage IV, the final stage. I need His tenderness every single day for the healing to continue in my brokenheart.      
Intimacy – “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.” (James 4:8)
I believe this with all my heart! The more intimate we are with God, the more we will know His will for our lives. Just like a child bearing their soul to their parent when they are hurting, our Heavenly Father wants nothing more than for us to come to Him, cling to Him, and trust in Him while He listens to us pour our heart out.  As He wipes our tears, holds us in His arms, He assures us that all will be well when "joy returns in the morning" (Psalm 30:5). Nothing stays the same forever.        
Endurance – “So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.” (II Corinthians 4:16-18)
Never before have I needed God’s endurance more than now! It is by taking one day at a time can one face tomorrow, knowing this too shall pass, knowing endurance gives strength to persevere and perseverance brings hope. Hence, because of Him, I can face all my tomorrows!
Nourishment – “People do not live by bread alone; rather, we live by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord." (Deuteronomy 8:3b)
One of the most important aspects of my wellness is to be physically well-nourished. Similarly, if I am to be spiritually well-nourished, it is impossible to know God’s will without personally knowing Him, and, furthermore, it is impossible knowing Him without meditating on His Word. Knowing God’s will for each day of my life, consequently, requires me to nourish myself daily with His Word.    
Constancy – “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3:22-23)
I have learned, the only thing that doesn’t change in life is the constancy of God. Repeatedly, I have read God’s great faithfulness, His everlasting love, and His constant devotion towards me! I could never have grown spiritually to where I am today if I, for a moment, tried going into denial of my circumstance. It is only through this circumstance have I become closer and nearer to God’s presence and peace.
Encouragement – “Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10)
If I have learned anything at all throughout my life, thus far, it is that God’s will has always provided all my needs; it just may have had a different “insight” than mine. God's promises are always reminding me that I am not going through this alone, He is with me, and it is by holding onto His hands that He will carry me through this challenge.  

If it was not for God teaching me PATIENCE, I most likely would not be sharing with you today His gift of insight. This, indeed, has been a very hard lesson for me to learn.  By ‘nature’, I want to fix things expeditiously so all is well again and to move on.  However, for me to genuinely know the gift of insight of God’s plans and purpose for my life, I have learned, as so eloquently stated by Oswald Chambers, “we have to pray with our eyes on God. . .NOT on the difficulties.”

Saturday, March 11, 2017

The Gift to Forgive. . .

Jesus Loves Me - Arrangement by David Baroni
(Please click for background music as you read this message of H.I.M.)
It was bittersweet when I recently sold my car. However, I could no longer keep looking at my sporty, white standard Ford Focus, with all its bells and whistles, sitting in the garage without it continually reminding me “what was” instead of “what is.” I had worked hard to buy my one and only brand new car, but that was then and this is now. Due to my bone cancer, my bones are at too high of a risk to fracture, at any time, in either my hips or arms should a sudden stop or jolt occur; hence, my decision to sell.
It was just too high of a debt for me to possibly pay should something happen, while driving; it could inevitably cause a significant setback that would cause even greater limitations than what I already have.

Thankfully, in no time after advertising, a young man and his dad came to see my car and without hesitation wanted to buy it. Thus, in order for me to hold it for him and to express his seriousness to buy it, the young man gave me a small deposit until the car was formally safety-checked. A couple of days later, when he came back to pay his remaining debt, I gave him the key and off he went. As a result, he set me "free" of ownership and, in return, I gave him his freedom of independence; thus, it was actually a "gift" to both of us.

One of my favourite classical hymns is “The Lord’s Prayer,” which is based on Scripture, Matthew 6:9-13. Not only have I heard many beautiful renditions of this songmy favourite
being sung by Mario Lanza, but I have also had the joy singing it many times, as well as saying this prayer reverently in church and in primary school, believe it or not; oh, how times have changed.  There is one part of this song/scripture, however, which always speaks to me profoundly each time I hear it or say it,And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors” (Matthew 6, verse 12). The older I get, the more I realize how important it is to not only “receive” forgiveness, but “give” forgiveness. If I want a kinder, gentler, humbled spirit then I “must” forgive. It is, in fact, a decree from God as read in Colossians 3:13, “Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.” God does not say, you “might” want to think about forgiving or you “should” think about forgiving, but you “must” forgive.  So, what are the benefits from the “gift to forgive”? Here are some of my thoughts ~   

Mentorship – As I meditate on the Scriptures, God is always mentoring us and showing us the importance of forgiving. For instance, I Thessalonians 5:23 states,
May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. . .” In other words, God, himself, wants to teach us one-on-one His “will” for our lives, which includes His grace, forgiveness, and mercy through His love.  In return, He wants us to demonstrate this same act of love towards others just as we have received it from Him.  This can only happen, if we “choose” to want to know the will of God in our lives. Hence, the “gift to forgive” demonstrates our “willingness” to “choose” to allow God to teach us to forgive, just as He willingly forgives us. 

Encouragement – Just as I have received the kindness of forgiveness from others I, too, must demonstrate this by passing it forward.  The “gift to forgive” is the “key” that
will bring forth a healthy change in not only the one being forgiven, but the giver too, in order
for all to receive love, peace and gratitude by all. If there is no forgiveness, however, this can truly lead to many health problems like insomnia, high blood pressure, headaches, and general malaise, to name just a few.  Our emotions play a very big part on “how” or “when” or “why” we "choose" to forgive someone else.  However, the longer it is delayed, the longer will you  NOT know peace and contentment in your heart. Mark 11:25-26 says, “And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him(her), that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses. But if you  do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.”  Hence, the “gift to forgive” demonstrates our desire to please God, while He encourages us to forgive.    

Restoration – Rather than holding a grudge, I have learned it is far greater for me to
restore and repair a fractured relationship, if possible, rather than throwing it away. How often God has been so gracious, so willing to restore His peace in my heart when I humbly pray asking for His forgiveness, never turning me away, but waiting for me to come to Him. It restores one’s faith when reading I John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”  Hence, the “gift to forgive” restores our relationship with God. 
Compassion – I believe it not only takes “courage” but "compassion” to forgive one another. It is very easy to want to “hold on” instead of “letting go” our grievances toward one another, but to what avail? The greatest form of compassion demonstrated by God was sending His Son to die on the cross for us so that we would have everlasting life; only God can do that for us by His merciful and gracious heart (Psalm 103:8). However, what He does ask of us is to “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you” (Ephesians 4:32). Hence, the “gift to forgive” compels us to show compassion towards one another; you cannot forgive if you do not have love in your heart; likewise, you cannot love if you do not have forgiveness in your heart, the two are in sync with one another.
Yourself – One of the most challenging lessons I have learned is to forgive “myself.” How easy it is to rethink and revisit those moments in my life that I would rather forget, but for some reason find difficult to let go out of shame, disappointment or regret.
However, God repeatedly says, “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool” (Isaiah 1:18). If  we truly believe God forgives us, then should we not expect the same of ourselves? By not letting go and moving on with God leaves one with a glass half-empty not half-full? What possible benefit can one receive from a “negative” attitude? None. However, when we “choose” a  “positive” attitude of letting go of our own regrets, our anger and our hurts, it not only gives us strength to let go and move on and follow God's will, but allows us to love ourselves again, love others, and let others love us, too. Hence, the “gift to forgive” opens up new doors of opportunity to love again ~ yourself and others.        

The fact that God continually shows His everlasting “grace” and “MERCY” to forgive us when we confess our wrong doings to Him is to marvel, for it truly sets us "free" and breaks that chains of regret that bind us; it truly is the greatest “gift” of all!  His “gift to forgive” constantly shows us His everlasting love through the sacrifice of His Son.    

And so, it is through the “gift to forgive” that I leave you with another lesson of His "MERCY."  It is because of the “gift to forgive” that I am can cling to His faithfulness knowing, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). So, I ask, “What can be more comforting, more reassuring, and show more “MERCY” then when I sing “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells us so?”

For me to experience freedom in my life, 
I must receive the “gift to forgive”
for my life,
throughout my life
always & forever. 

Sunday, March 5, 2017

The Gift of Surprise. . .

 O Draw Me Lord - Arrangement by David Baroni
(Please click for background music as you read this message of H.I.M.)

With bated breath (coming from the word “abated” meaning to bring down), I found myself listening to the soft whispers and ever so subtle background giggles, while trying to listen attentively to my mother’s explanation to make a sugar sack tea towel. I was so thankful, however, that in only a few moments my mother would finally be called to the front foyer of her home to be greeted by her entire family joyfully wishing and singing her “Happy Birthday”! What a "surprise" it was, indeed, for all to see how delighted my mom was; our secret weeks of planning was a success!

For me, the Gift of Surprisehas been plentiful throughout my life, both personally and professionally. My greatest surprise, however, will always be when my beloved husband proposed to me; a moment I will always cherish.  

The Gift of Surprise,” as we all know, nevertheless, can arrive in many different ways, some which bring the most unforgettable moments of delight and joy, while others bring much heartache and sorrow. Have you ever wondered, however, regardless if the ‘element’ of surprise maybe pleasant or otherwise, how essential it is to our overall well-being and spiritual growth? Is it even possible to think what benefits we may possibly conceive from the Gift of a Surprise when it is heart-wrenching, rather than delighting us?
I have discovered, no matter how much ‘in control’ I think I am in my everyday ‘ordinary’ life, reality always seems to have a way to grab my attention by the ‘gift’ of its surprise and remind me, ‘nope, not so much’; such as the day when I was diagnosed with advanced cancer. It may not be cancer that has come into your life, but, perhaps, something else that has had just as much a significant impact in your life, which has made you “stop,” be “still” and, maybe, even wonder “why?”.  However, it is not a question “if” a surprise comes into our life, or “when” a surprise comes into our life, or "why" a surprise comes into our life, but “how” I choose to react to the surprise that has come into my life. Hence, God reminds us, “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10); for He already knows the “if’s,” the “when’s”, and the “why’s” of the surprise. All He is asking from us is “how” are we going to “choose” to react to the surprise? Will we be still? Will we be patient? Will we trust?  

For better or for worse, I have discovered the Gift of Surprise has always given me many “ah-ha” moments throughout my life.  Consequently, many of these “surprises” have indelibly changed my life.  The Gift of Surprise,therefore, has become one of my greatest mentors by teaching me to SHARE with you the following ~

~ Stop and smell the roses! "Embrace" the “unexpected”, which has come into your life!
I cannot begin telling you how excited I was the other day when I saw not one but ‘three’ robins on our front lawn. Not only did it excite me knowing spring is on its way, but it also gave me a "moment" to appreciate the unexpected, smile and then quickly call my sister, first, to tell her what I saw before she called me; it's a silly game she and I have played for many years with one another to see who would see the first robin in the new year. So how does this scenario apply to my life living with cancer?  It allows me to "stop" and "embrace" each sunrise, each sunset, each new day, each moment with my husband, or the times I spend with family and friends! Hence, theGift of Surprise gives me APPRECIATION!

~ Heed and observe! A surprise will always grab your attention, stop what you are doing and make you focus.  I have repeatedly reminded myself, “you keep do’in what you’re do’in; you keep gett’n what you’ve got”! With a surprise, however, often comes change; something many of us dislike because it may also bring uncertainty. Uncertainty, perhaps, is exactly what we need for it may, in fact, get us out of the doldrums’ of life, get us out of life’s ruts, and make us envision a new vision, which ultimately can revitalize our life. Hence, the Gift of Surprise gives me HOPE!     

~ Act and react! A surprise can often provide a new perspective, causing one to  
immediately act and react and, eventually, also ‘accept’ and ‘adapt’; case in point my cancer diagnosis. What possible “positive change” could cancer bring into my life? It most certainly has made me reflect’ on the memories that have come into my life, but it has also made me ‘ponder’ what possible purpose it would bring into my life. It has not only provided me the opportunity to pray and encourage others, but I, in return, have received the blessings from others, around the world,who have written to me saying they are praying for me and my family. I am deeply humbled. Most importantly, it has drawn me closer to God and His words of comfort, assurance, respite and encouragement; in other words, His never-ending CARE.  Hence, theGift of Surprise gives me THANKS!     

~ Resilience and fortitude! When a significant “surprise” occurs in one’s life, our body immediately goes into what is called our “flight and fight” response, also known as
‘hyper-arousal’. Whatever perceived incident, particularly if negative, may be infringing in one’s life, our body immediately has a physiological reaction; in order to regulate the stress caused by this ‘unexpected’ surprise. As we all know, there will always be pitfalls and setbacks in our lives both professionally and personally.  However, having the determination, having the confidence, having the ‘resilience’ and ‘fortitude,' is what we must use to either get ourselves back on track or a new track. It is only through our ‘positive’ attitude can resilience be at its best helping us bounce back, strive and thrive from whatever obstacle is trying to put us down, destroy us or deflate us, BUT never defeat us! Hence, the Gift of Surprisegives me STRENGTH!     

~Enrichment and enlightenment! Finally, the Gift of Surprise, whether good or bad, brings both spiritual nourishment and insight into our lives. I cannot
express my gratitude enough, as I meditate on God's Word, for His boundless promises of faithfulness, love, peace, comfort and grace, which He gives to me each day, in order to endure the most momentous time in my life. When we "see" and "acknowledge" the impact a surprise can have in our lives, we will also see the “spiritual” growth in our lives, which gives us strength to endure whatever may come our way. It gets rid of doubt and brings us hope, which only God can give, if we put our "faith" and “trust” in Him. Hence, theGift of Surprise gives me a new VISION 

It is, therefore by theGift of Surprisethat I SHARE with you another blessing of H.I.M. I am so often reminded of the following scripture verse, which brings much comfort, “We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance.  And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope” (Romans 5:3-4). And so I ask, "What can be more peaceful, more comforting and more humbling then when we kneel before God, look up toward His face, and give Him thanks for His bountiful mercy and grace, while He give us His endless Gift of Surprisethrough His Son, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ?"